
free gift (2)

Welcome and thank you for accepting my gift of a 30-day membership in “Let’s Talk About Writing”!

Here is what your gift includes:

As part of this membership, you’ll join me twice a month, along with other members, for an hour-long Zoom mastermind call. Our calls are scheduled for the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Mountain Time.

Here’s what each call includes:

  • First Call: Track your progress, ask questions, and receive support from fellow writers.
  • Second Call: Gain insights from esteemed experts in the writing world.

If you’re unable to attend live, feel free to email your questions to odelia@thelegacywritingguide.com, and I’ll answer them during the call.

You’ll also receive recordings and transcripts of each live call the following day.

With love and light, 

The Legacy Writing Guide

Welcome and thank you for accepting my gift of a 30-day membership in “Let’s Talk About Writing”!

Here is what your gift includes:

  • Each month, you’ll join me two times with other members for an hour-long zoom mastermind call. Our calls take place on the first and third Tuesdays from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Mountain Time.
    → First Call: Track your progress, ask questions, and receive support from fellow writers.
    → Second Call: Enjoy insights from esteemed experts in the writing world.

  • If you cannot attend in person, you can email your questions to odeliaelgarat@gamil.com and I’ll respond to them live on the call.

  • You’ll receive the recordings of the live calls the next day.

The calls give you an amazing opportunity to network with fellow writers and authors.

You’ll receive an email the day before each call with the link to join us live.

Thank you again for accepting my gift and I look forward to seeing you on the next zoom!

**There is never any obligation to continue after the 30 days**


Facebook    |   Contact us: odeliaelgarat@gmail.com


Facebook    |   Contact us: odeliaelgarat@gmail.com